
Must Read Skin In Sunshine Guide

Must Read Skin In Sunshine Guide

We love the sunshine and welcome it with open arms, but on the flip side it can have undesirable effects on our skin and health. The life giving sun is the force for all, with many powerful and important attributes - but as with all of natures wildest phenomenons we need to take care of the intense glow. So here at Nakin Natural Anti-Ageing Skincare we decided to do some in-depth research into the sun's benefits and its less desirable effects, as well as offering advice on safely getting the best of the sun.

The sun gets a lot of bad press, so we thought we should start with some of the benefits for our health. Sunshine has a positive impact on mood, and Vitamin D is produced by skin when directly exposed to UVB rays (without the use of sunscreen). We can get small amounts of Vitamin D from some foods, or larger amounts from supplements. Before taking supplements always see medical advice to ensure that they are right for you. At Nakin our gut always tells us that a natural version of something will probably always be best, and there are lots of natural supplements around. The jury is out on whether vitamin D supplements provide the same benefits as sunshine. Infact, Dr Mercola reported on work by researchers in Australia who found that supplements do not influence genes in the same way that natural vitamin D sources do, and may even block the potential benefits. Some of the amazing benefits of vitamin D to health, as advised by Medical News Today, include:






On the other side, there cannot be many people that have not heard about the damaging effects that sunshine has on our skin. Let's be clear on the facts, there are two primary dangers that can occur when skin is exposed to too much sun. These are skin cancer and premature skin ageing. The sun naturally produces ultraviolet (UV) radiation which is the primary cause of melanoma and non-melanoma skin cancer. An estimated 86% of melanomas in the United Kingdom are linked with too much exposure to sunlight and sunbed use [1].

When it comes to ageing the facts are less cut and dried. So where is the proof that the sun causes premature ageing? There are so many factors that accelerate skin ageing - stress, alcohol, smoking, pollution, diet and the choice of skincare routine - to name just a few. A study by the Clinical, Cosmetic and Investigational Dermatology compared sun loving women with those that did not like the sun on their skin. They found that sun exposure had a big effect on early skin ageing - especially with pigmentation, skin texture and lines. We were also interested in a study on identical twins reported by NBC News, where at age 61 one twin looked almost 12 years older. This was mostly due to sun worshipping and smoking for some years. The effects of the sun were clearly visible on her face, with erratic skin discolouration and age spots.

Skin ageing from the sun does not usually show up until we are in our thirties and continues in later life, when by then the damage is done. We can try to reverse effects of skin damage to some degree by using skincare with age resisting and repairing properties, which is why we developed our Anti-Ageing Products. However, preventing the cause is key and protecting skin is essential. 

Sunscreen with a factor of at least 30 is always recommended by professionals. This all depends on where you live, your skin colouring and the UV measure each day. Healthline.com state that even 5-15 minutes of exposing the skin to the sun 2-3 times a week will provide the vitamin D benefits that we need. This is just a guide as darker skins require more exposure than lighter skins. It is important to remember that Vitamin D stores only last for around 2 weeks, which is especially valid during the winter months. 

So what is the best way to protect skin from the sun? The risk of developing melanoma is most strongly linked to intermittent sun exposure [2]. This includes short, intense bursts of sun for those who generally have the majority of their time indoors, sun as sunbathing while on holiday. So avoid long sunbathing sessions and keep skin from getting red and burnt. Be especially careful when the sun is at its strongest, usually from 10-4pm. The absolute best way to protect skin is to cover up with hats, sunglasses, and long clothes as this is completely natural. Clothes with higher weaves offer higher protection. Always wear sunglasses that cover the whole eye area without gaps, and with at least 99% protection from UVA and UVB light.

The next best option for protecting skin is to use a natural sunscreen free from harsh ingredients. The Vitamin Council note that research shows sunscreen only helps prevent some carcinoma. They also say that there is research showing that sunscreen prevents melanoma, but other studies suggest that sunscreen increases the chance of getting melanoma. Don't forget to use sunscreen on skin areas that are easy to forget such as the backs of hands. They are always on show and therefore very susceptible to damage.

Sun protection is a crucial aspect of maintaining healthy skin and preventing long-term damage. The harmful ultraviolet (UV) rays from the sun can cause premature ageing, sunburns, and even skin cancer if not properly protected against.

We always recommend using natural and high-quality ingredient sun creams to ensure that your skin receives the best care and protection. Use a formulation that is designed to effectively shield your skin from both UVA and UVB rays, providing you with comprehensive coverage.

But it's not just about protecting your skin in the short term. You should also prioritise long term skin health with a healthy diet that helps to keep our whole systems happy and healthy. 

So when it comes to protecting your skin from the sun's harmful rays, we should always prioritize this as part of our day. However much of a rush we are in, we should always ensure we have a few minutes in our routine to apply sun cream and have our cover up accessories and clothes on hand. 


[1] Cancer Research UK

[2]  Gandini S, Sera F, Cattaruzza MS, et al. Meta-analysis of risk factors for cutaneous melanoma: II. Sun exposure. Eur J Cancer. 2005;41(1):45-60. doi:10.1016/j.ejca.2004.10.016.

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