
Is Bottled Mineral Water Better for Skin Than Tap Water?

Is Bottled Mineral Water Better for Skin Than Tap Water?

This is a question that we often wonder at Nakin. We are dedicated to looking after our skin naturally and this is why we produce amazing natural skincare. We drink lots of water every day and it is promoted as being youth boosting and complexion enhancing. But is drinking bottled mineral water better for our skin than tap water? We investigated this question as below.

Before we start we should say that while drinking water is promoted as being good for our skin health, we only need to drink a certain amount. This will differ depending on our size, how active we are, and where we live. Check your recommended water intake volume online with a trusted source. Water plays a crucial role in maintaining plump, hydrated, and radiant skin. Consuming adequate amounts of water helps to moisturise the skin from the inside out, supporting elasticity and preventing dryness. It also aids in flushing out toxins, reducing the likelihood of acne and other skin conditions. Additionally, proper hydration can improve skin's resilience against environmental stressors and signs of ageing, leading to a clearer, more youthful complexion.

From a natural perspective our hearts tell us that natural water must surely be the best for us. Luckily, we have bottled water to give us this natural spring water in a safely harvested and produced format. Bottled water is harvested through various methods, depending on the source. Spring water is collected directly from a natural spring, where it flows or is pumped to the surface. Artesian water originates from a confined aquifer, tapped by a well through which the water rises naturally or is pumped. Mineral water, rich in minerals, is sourced from geologically and physically protected underground water sources.

From an environmental perspective bottled water has many disadvantages though. The manufacturing process means CO2 is pumped into the environment, and then there is the disposal of bottles, which sometimes do not get recycled. From a financial perspective bottled water must also lose over tap water. It costs a lot of money, as we have to pay for the running of the sometimes very big multi-million-pound companies that produce it. But putting all this aside, is bottled water or tap water better for our skin, in terms of helping our skin to be healthy and look amazing when we drink them. The answer is partly going to depend on where you live in the world, and the quality of your tap water, plus in some respects the actual mineral water that you are drinking. But let us assume we are talking about tap water in the western world, where it is regulated and meets high heath standards. Plus we are comparing this to your average everyday bottle of mineral water.

This was a surprising difficult topic to research, and we came across conflicting messages. Harper’s Bazaar write that officially, our tap water is completely safe to drink and wash in. However, this is partly due to the chlorine and fluoride added. In certain areas, tap water can contain high levels of dissolved chemicals such as chlorine, copper, zinc and iron. Plus poisons such as lead and plastic microfibres - from sources such as clothes made of synthetic fabrics, car tyres, paint and cosmetic microbeads. These have been found to contaminate 72 percent of tap water samples in European nations, including the UK. Skin beauty expert Renee Lapino advises to look at your kettle and shower to see the effects of tap water from the limescale. Which makes us question that if tap water can have these effects, then what is it doing to our insides and our skin when we drink it.

At Nakin the problem we believe with all these types of issues is that the damaging effects can be very subtle and over a long period of time, and we all drink tap water, so it's impossible to attribute drinking tap water to causing skin problems. However, there have been a lot of studies to show that tap water is linked to eczema on skin. The Free Drinking Water Company advise that besides chlorine, there are literally thousands of other contaminants in water, with some of the most common and aggravating to eczema being fluoride, barium and mercury. They do advise to contact your local water authority for a list of specific contaminants in your area, or have a sample of your tap water tested by a lab to determine the actual water quality.

Unfortunately, most of us do not have a choice in what we drink, as we simply could not afford to purchase bottled mineral water every day. The other option is to drink filtered water, which might be the best compromise between expensive bottled water and tap water. You can filter all the tap water that you drink, and even things like shower systems. Watercare advise that water filtration systems are good for health. The benefits are skin hydration, nutrient absorption, weight loss, detoxification, digestion and a potential reduction in the risk of cancer. They say that drinking pure water helps to support the immune system and mental health function.

At Nakin we have concluded that we need to be mindful about what we drink, as tap water does seem to contain contaminants that are harmful to skin. Bottled water is not contaminant free though and expensive. We are now interested in looking at filtered tap water options, to help promote skin and total body health. You can have the best anti-ageing face care like Nakin's face products, but what we eat and drink plays a huge role in how our skin looks.

We hope that you found our feature helpful, looking at if drinking bottled water or tap water is better for skin. Nakin are dedicated to achieving beautiful skin at every age using the best natural ingredients. To find out more about Nakin and our award winning anti-ageing skincare then visit us at www.nakinskincare.com Nakin produce natural face products for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The full range can be found here and is designed to help skin to thrive and flourish by using the best plant active ingredients. Everything is cruelty free and made in the UK.

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