
5 Easy Steps to Shed Christmas Weight Gain

5 Easy Steps to Shed Christmas Weight Gain

Most of us over-indulge during the Christmas and festive period. It is hard not to, with all that lovely food and long dark nights. The good news is that there are some easy steps to take that ensure those excess calories do not make a permanent appearance on the waistline. At Nakin we are dedicated to looking and feeling great naturally, and this is why we produce amazing natural skincare products. Part of looking and feeling fabulous involves being healthy, and maintaining a good healthy weight is an important part of this. Read on to find out our five easy to follow steps to shed those Christmas pounds.

  1. One of the hardest things about Christmas is having all that tasty food around. So, once the chocolate and puddings are eaten, then do not replace them. If they are not in the house then you will not be able to eat them. This helps to break the habit of eating sugary foods on a regular basis.
  2. Next on the list is to switch some of your heavy calorie foods like bread and cheese for lighter alternatives. Too much dairy and processed wheat are not great for our figures and our skin. It is hard to get out of long-term eating habits. Treat yourself to a new healthy cookbook in the sales with lots of tasty meal options, but without the calories. These days there are so many options to fit into your lifestyle, however busy it might be. This will help you to get out of any ruts that you might be stuck in cooking calorie dense dinners.
  3. An easy way to change your diet without missing out on the foods that you love is to increase the amount of fruit and vegetables that you have on your plate. This allows you to still have a full plate of food and be full after eating, but it is filled with healthier low-calorie choices. Aim to have half the plate filled with vegetables, then a quarter a carbohydrate such as potatoes, and the other quarter a protein option.
  4. One of the best tips we can give is to walk everywhere that you can. It is great for the whole body and even though it might not seem like it, walking does burn calories. Walking 4 miles in one hour burns a whooping 400 calories. It is also free and less stressful than driving.
  5. Another lifestyle change is to take up an exercise that you love. Exercise does not have to involve intensive activity such as running. There are lots of forms of fun exercise that can be low impact, such as swimming, cycling, yoga and Pilates.

We hope that you found our advice helpful for easily shedding those excess pounds that some of us will put on after Christmas. This is just through very small easy changes that add to a healthy lifestyle, without depriving yourself in anyway. Being a good weight is also incredibly anti-ageing in many ways. At Nakin we believe in looking as good as we can naturally, and this is why we developed our award winning anti-ageing skincare range. A healthy lifestyle combined with always using the best skincare products is one of the easiest things you can do to enhance your look naturally.

Nakin are dedicated to achieving beautiful skin at every age using the best natural ingredients. To find out more about Nakin and our award-winning anti-ageing skincare then visit us at www.nakinskincare.com Nakin produce natural face products for all skin types, including sensitive skin. The full range can be found here and is designed to help skin to thrive and flourish by using the best plant active ingredients. Everything is cruelty free and made in the UK. If you would like to get in touch with Nakin then please email us at info@nakinskincare.com We would love to hear your thoughts and are also available to offer skincare and product advice.

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